Thursday, March 24, 2022

Design process

The design process is not only about creating beautiful pictures, but also thinking through the logic and controlling the development, where the design itself is part of the puzzle.

​​Depending on the company, some steps may be combined or simplified.

For example, if you work in an agency and need to make an application for a client, you will most likely go through the entire process. And if you work in a large company with your own design system, then skip the selection of references, and combine the visual design stage with design - you will assemble the interface from ready-made components, like from Lego blocks.

Tips for Future Mobile App Designers

How the design of mobile applications is created Be sure to tighten the base on which the interface is built - colors, typography, composition.

How mobile app design is created Read books:

Tips for Future Mobile App Designers

How the design of mobile applications is created Be sure to tighten the base on which the interface is built - colors, typography, composition.

We are not talking about plagiarism, but about copying for skills training. A long time ago, artists forced students to redraw their paintings so that they would fill their hands?

Start first with a simple outline of the interface components. Understand the system: why somewhere the indentation is large, and somewhere small; why one of the elements is located on different screens in the same place; why use a certain style and text size.

Then try to copy the interface by eye - you will gradually understand why it is necessary to arrange the interface components in this way. Do it for yourself - create a folder and add new work to it every day or week.

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Design process

The design process is not only about creating beautiful pictures, but also thinking through the logic and controlling the development, where...